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  1. Auto-expansion of Composed units is disabled due to excessive compilation times.
  2. The modf function can only be called with two arguments of exactly the same quantity type. Thus, e.g. a combination like Time and MinuteTime for the two arguments is not possible.
  3. Intermediate values (named objects of a `type' defined only by its dimension) have not been implemented.
  4. The pow function should allow int and double arguments, not only Rational<>. If possible, static and dynamic access should be provided.
  5. The fmod function should allow two generated transient arguments.
  6. There are no modulo operators (%, and %=).
  7. The possibility of partial specializations in PlaneAngle quantities for ST should be checked.
  8. Direct assignment like Time t = "1.0 s"; from a char string does not work.

Generated on Sun Jan 15 13:57:58 2006 for Quantities by doxygen 1.3.6