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Changes to the user interface in Version 1.0

  1. The package is configured for the use of the GNU autotools. Thus, configuration is more simple, and maybe even more platform independent. and as well as other necessary files are provided in the distribution.
  2. The DimensionMismatch exception is now obsolete. Such mismatched are already detected at compile time, and can never occur in a running program.
  3. Input and output through functions in and out, and using pairs is now obsolete. Use VariableTuples constructs instead.
  4. If a unit is used in a constructor, such as in
    Time t (5.0, Second ());
    where a variable of type Time and named t is defined to have the value 5 s (seconds), the unit must be given as an unnamed object of the unit type, in this case Second. Thus, the second argument to the Time constructor is generated by the unit's default constructor.
  5. The convention for type names of predefined units has slightly changed. Now all units start with a capital letter, as in Second, prefixed units have in addition the first letter of the base unit capitalized, as in MilliSecond.
  6. The name and the symbol of a quantity are no longer set by functions set_name and set_symbol. Rather use member functions name (string) and symbol (string).
  7. The units named `atomic unit of ...' now have the common type name Atomic, each in its separate namespace, e.g. TimeUnits::Atomic.
  8. The pow() function does now generate a result with the type generated automatically from the argument type, and the exponent. This is accomplished by compile time calculation of the result's dimension. In order to do this efficiently, the second argument of the pow function can no longer be a double variable. Rather a Rational<> number must be used (Rational<> numbers are defined in the BSUtilities header file TemplateTools.h, based on W. Brown's paper). A version of the pow() function with a double argument is currently being implemented.
  9. The fabs() function is now obsolete. Use abs() instead, which is overloaded for various types in C++.
  10. Natural constant, such as the Faraday constant are now SingletonConstants. There is need to construct these explicitly. They should only be accessed through the corresponsing macro, e.g. FARADAYCONSTANT.
  11. The syntax for enabling/disabling printing and reading of names and symbols (as well as reading of units) has changed. Use now objects of type PrintName<P> and PrintSymbol<P>, or ReadName<P>, ReadSymbol<P>, and ReadUnit<P> with P being true or false. Thus,
    cout << PrintSymbol<true>
    switches on symbol reading and
    cout << PrintSymbol<false>
    switches it off.

Generated on Sun Jan 15 13:57:58 2006 for Quantities by doxygen 1.3.6