Weakly Coordinating Anions (WCAs)

Weakly coordinating anions (WCAs) are used since of their ability to stabilize reactive cations and their weak interactions with these because of their low nucleophilicity. Electron transfer reactions can become electrochemically reversible or communication between two redox active species in the same molecule may be observable. In the field of electrosynthesis, WCAs are used to stabilize positively charged reactive intermediates.

We investigate the effects of WCAs in multi-electron transfer reaction systems such as the oxidation of bisferrocene derivatives or the reduction of highly charged bis-viologen species in the context of an electrochemical communication between the redox centers. We are also interested in the stabilization of reactive intermediates generated during the oxidation of metal-organic complexes.

Coworkers in this project

Michael Speidel, Rebecca Klinkhammer, Monika Passon, Kai Marcel Müller und Adrian Ruff

Oral presentations

J. Janisch, R. Klinkhammer, A. Ruff and B. Speiser, "Separation of Two One-Electron Transfer Redox Couples in Symmetrical Bisferrocenes", 63rd Annual Meeting of ISE, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012

Publications from this project

M. Passon, A. Ruff, P. Schuler, B. Speiser und W. Leis, Redox behaviour of some asymmetrically substituted viologens and an alkyl bridged bis-viologen in non-aqueous solvents: a voltammetric and spectroscopic investigation, J. Solid State Electrochem. 19, 85-101 (2015), DOI 10.1007/s10008-014-2629-2


© AG Speiser 2015