ModSim - The Modeling and Simulation Facilities of EChem++

GUI User Manual Version 0.3
(December 2006)

Copyright (C) 2006, Kai Ludwig

Universitaet Tuebingen, Institut fuer Organische Chemie
Auf der Morgenstelle 18, 72076 Tuebingen

  1. Introduction

  2. The Main Window
  3. Geometry, Transport and Excitation Function (ExperimentDialog)
  4. Excitation Function Dialogs
  5. Reaction Mechanism (MechanismDialog)
  6. Model Parameters (ModelParametersDialog)

  7. Options
  8. 3D Visualization of Concentration Profiles
  9. Acknowledgment
  10. References

Introduction  [Up]

ModSim enables the modeling and simulation of electrochemical processes. The current version supports the simulation of the following 1D geometry models:
  1. semi-infinite diffusion models (linear diffusion to a single planar working electrode)
  2. finite diffusion models (linear diffusion between two opposed electrodes / or an electrode and an inert wall)
in combination with potential- and current-controlled electroanalytical techniques. A technique is represented by an excitation function (e.g. a triangular waveform for cyclic voltammetry, or constant potential for chronoamperometry). In principle, arbitrary functions can be assembled (see section Geometry, Transport and Excitation Function for details).

The program includes the reaction compiler Ecco [1] that enables an intuitive formulation of electrochemical reaction mechanisms.
Ecco provides the kinetics of heterogeneous electron transfers, homogeneous reactions, adsorptions and surface reactions, using standard models, as well as reaction rates that can be defined almost arbitrarily (see section Reaction Mechanism for details)

After the definition of model parameters, like formal potentials, initial concentrations or diffusion coefficients (see section Model Parameters for details), the program calculates an equilibrium state and is ready to start a simulation.

Note that the underlying numerical algorithm is primarily tested for the simulation of cyclic voltammetry (see e.g. [3,5]). But in principle, arbitrary potential- and current-controlled experiments can be simulated [2]. However, you may need some knowledge about the simulation algorithm to obtain satisfying results (see [3]).
The simulation of current-controlled excitations is possible. In this case, you have to carefully test the convergence of the simulations!

The Main Window  [Up]

Figure: The Main Window [Up]

The main window of ModSim is the main entrance point to all modeling, simulation, data visualization and import/export tasks.
The central widget of the window (1) describes a page that contains one or more data graphs (the figure shows an example of a single graph that contains a cyclic voltammogram). A click with the left mouse button on a graph activates it (background color changes from grey to white).

An activated graph can be modified both with the graphics toolbar (2) and with the link 'Options->Graph Settings' (see below).
The toolbar (2) contains the following actions (from top to bottom): 'rotate' (3D only), 'zoom', 'illuminate' (3D only), 'translate' and 'add data to' (2D only).
In order to perform a chosen graphics action you must keep the left mouse button pressed and move the cursor in the desired direction (for convenience, the zoom functionality is always provided by the right mouse button).
To add data to an active graph, simply click on the 'add data to' icon. Then, after the next simulation run, the output will appear as an additional curve in the activated graph. In an analogous way, you can import data to an activated graph (e.g. to compare experimental with simulated results). Just activate a graph, click on the 'add data to' icon and import the data.

The file toolbar (3) offers a convient access to the 'File Menu' actions (see below). From left to right: 'open project', 'save project', 'import data to active graph', 'export data of active graph' (or 'export active graph as image'), 'print' and 'exit program'.

The Menu toolbar (4) provides the access to the menu items 'File', 'Edit', 'Help', 'Definitions', 'Options' and 'Simulation'. The specific actions are explained below.

Figure: File Menu [Up]

The settings of each ModSim dialog, as well as the current model information can be saved in form of XML project files. The project files can be loaded again into the program ('File->Open', 'File->Save').
Note that you should not modify the project files by hand (except if you know what to do). A modified file may cause errors during anew 'File->Open'.
Import and export tasks can be performed by the 'File->Import Data', 'File->Export Data' actions. Currently, only 2D data in ASCII text files can be imported (e.g. experimental data recorded by the BAS100BW software). If the 'graphics toolbar->add data to' button is pressed, the data are plotted as an additional curve within the active graph. Otherwise a new graph is created in the page.
2D data can be exported as ASCII text files. However, active graphs (or the whole page, if no graph is activated) can be exported in several file formats (EPS, PS, PDF, TEX).

Figure: Edit Menu [Up]

The 'Edit' menu provides two actions. 'Edit->Remove Last Graph' removes the last graph from the page (if any graph is shown). 'Edit->Deactivate Graphs' deactivates an active graph. Note that only a single graph can be active. Each time you click on a non-active graph, it gets activated. Simultaneously, the former active graph gets deactivated.

Figure: Help Menu [Up]

The 'Help' menu provides three actions. 'Help->Contents' opens the HTML help browser of ModSim. You will find this user manual there, but also the complete C++ class reference and documentation of the EChem++ libraries. 'Help->About' opens some licence information of the current ModSim release

Figure: Definitions Menu [Up]

The 'Definitions' menu contains the three actions of ModSim's modeling pipeline. 'Definitions->Experiment' (shortcut F2) opens the Experiment Dialog (see below). There you can define the geometry and transport model, as well as the excitation functions. After a proper definition, the 'Mechanism' action will be enabled.
'Definitions->Mechanism' (shortcut F3) opens the Mechanism Dialog, a graphical front-end to the Ecco compiler (see below). There, the electrochemical reaction mechanism, as well as non-standard model kinetics (if desired) can be defined. After an error-free compilation, the next action 'Model Parameters' will be enabled.
'Definitions->Model Parameters' (shortcut F4) opens the Model Parameters Dialog (see below). There, you can specifiy all relevant model parameters according to the compiled reaction mechanism. After that, the program is ready for simulation.

Figure: Simulation Menu [Up]

In order to run a simulation, simply press the F5 key, or click on the 'Simulation->Start Simulation' action. Note that the action is only enabled, if all model settings have been done without failure.

Figure: Options Menu [Up]

The 'Options' menu contains four actions that open the according option dialogs.
See the dialogs for details:

Action Dialog
'Options->Equilibrium Concentrations'    Initial Equilibrium Concentrations
'Options->Solver Settings'    Solver Settings
'Options->Data Settings' Data Storage & Visualization
'Options->Graph Settings' Graph Settings

Geometry, Transport and Excitation Function (ExperimentDialog)  [Up]

Figure: ExperimentDialog [Up]

The ExperimentDialog enables the definition of the currently supported geometry and transport models, as well as excitation functions.
In the button group 'Geometry and Transport Model' you can choose one of the supported models:

'Semi Infinite Diffusion'       Linear diffusion field to a single planar working electrode.
The geometry is represented by a 1D interval, [0,L]. The electrode surface is located at x=0. The diffusion layer limit is x=L. The thickness L of the diffusion layer is approximated by a safety factor 'safety' multiplied by the Nernst diffusion layer model sqrt(tmax*Dref), where tmax is the total experiment duration and Dref the reference diffusion coefficient (usually taken as the maximum of all diffusion coefficients).

'Finite Diffusion'       Linear diffusion field between an electrode and an inert wall or between two opposed planar working electrodes (thin layer cell).
The geometry is represented by a 1D interval, [0,L]. One electrode surface is located at x=0. The other inert wall or electrode is located at x=L. The 'Distance L' of the thin layer can be defined.

In the second button group 'Boundary Indices and Excitation Functions' you can set the boundary indices of the geometry model (each border must be represented by an unique integer value). The indices are needed later to assign heterogeneous (electro-)chemical reactions to the borders of the model (see below).
With the left combo box, you have to specify the control type of the electrochemical experiment ('Potential' or 'Current').
The right combo box offers three items, e.g. in the potential-controlled case: 'CV' for a cyclic voltammetry type excitation, 'CA' for chronamperometry and 'User Defined' for an excitation function that can be defined almost arbitrarily.
In order to define the function, press the 'define...' button. It opens the according excitation function dialog (see below).

!! Note that for the thin layer cell with two electodes both excitation functions must have the same lengths (tmax values)!!

Excitation Function Dialogs (we thank Alain Millers and Isabel Morales Moreno for the implementation!)  [Up]

Figure: ExciationFuntionDialog [Up]

The Figure shows the dialog for the creation of a cyclic voltammetric excitation function. Such dialogs describe the graphical front-ends to various classes from the excitation function template library[2].
In principle, electrochemical excitation functions are composed of several segments that describe the functional relationship between time and potential (or current for current-controlled experiments).
Thus, in the example above, the function is composed by two linear E-t-segments (scans). The easiest way to gradually create the excitation function is to specify the values that defines a segment (here called 'Scan Values' on the right) and press the 'Append'-Button.
In our example, the first segment starts at a initial potential of Einit = 0 V and reaches a value of Emax = 0.5 V with a scan rate of v = 1 V/s.
By pressing the 'Append'-Button the segment is created, pushed into the excitation function and, finally, drawn as black line within the graph on the left side of the dialog.
The following segments can be either defined as before (specify the new values and press 'Append') or by pressing the 'Mirror'-Button. It is important to note, that a mirrored segment (firstly drawn as blue line) has to be accepted by the 'Append'-Button (the blue line becomes black). Other functionalities of the dialog are less important and will be described in later versions of this manual.
In order to accept yout settings, press 'Ok'. Now, the excitation function is stored at the respective boundary surface within the geometry for simulation.

Reaction Mechanism [Up]

Figure: MechanismDialog [Up]

The MechanismDialog is the graphical front-end of the Ecco compiler described in [1]. Here, you can specify the electrochemical and chemical reaction model. The figure shows the example of a heterogeneus one-electron oxidation

A <=> B + e-;    b<0>

that occurs at the boundary with index '0'. The index must be defined before in the ExperimentDialog (see above).
The second line describes a homogeneous, irreversible follow-up reaction

B --> C;

from B to C. For a complete reference of the input language of Ecco, click here.
If the checkbox 'Charge Balance' is activated, the compiler checks the charge balance of each reaction.
Ecco starts the compilation of the mechansim, as soon as the 'Compile' button is pressed. After a new compilation the model parameters need to be specified (see below).

Model Parameters [Up]

Figure: ModelParametersDialog - Conditions [Up]

Figure: ModelParametersDialog - Dissolved Species [Up]

Figure: ModelParametersDialog - ET Reactions [Up]

The definition of all model parameters follows within the ModelParamtersDialog. The button 'Calculate Equilibrium Concentrations' starts the calculation of the initial equilbrium state of the reaction mechanism. The concentration values in the species tabs 'Dissolved Species' and 'Adsorbed Species' will be replaced by the result of this caclulation. Usually, the program shows a short message if the equilbrium is reached. Depending on the settings within the EquilibriumDialog (see below) the simulated concentration profiles are shown within the main window after calculation.

!!Note: After a successfull equilbrium calculation the simulation of the electrochemical model can be started (see above).

Options [Up]

Figure: Initial Equilibrium Concentrations (EquilibriumDialog) [Up]

The EquilibriumDialog provides all settings concerning the calculation of the initial values for the electrochemical simulation model, i.e. the concentration distribution of all species in the electrochemical cell at the moment in which every reaction has reached its equilibrium state.

Per default, we assume that all homogeneous reactions, adsorptions and surface reactions have reached their equilibrium state at the beginning of the electrochemical experiment. In order to change this assumption, you can switch off the reaction checkboxes in the button group 'Initially at Equilibrium'.

For the calculation of the equilibrium state, we numerically solve a system of ordinary differential equations (ODE system) that describe the concentration field of each species (currently only this "kinetic calculation" is fully supported). The ODE system is created based on the output of the Ecco compiler. The equilibrium is reached as soon as all possible mass action laws of the reactions are fulfilled.
The numerical solver demands for three parameters that can be defined within the group 'Equilibrium Solver'. These are the 'Maximal Time' in seconds that determines the maximal time the integration steps are performed. Note that this is not a real time value - usually the numerical solver is much faster.
The solver stops as soon as the equilibrium is reached. As noted before, the stopping criterion is complied, if all laws of mass actions are fulfilled. Therefore, we observe the residual function R = K - MAL(c), where K is the equilibrium constant of a reaction and MAL(c) is the accoring mass action law. If R becomes lower than the 'Accuracy' value, the solver stops and the equilibrium state is reached.
The last value, 'Initial Stepsize', is the inital time step size of the numerical solver. The solver is an implementation of the Shampine Rosenbrock integrator described in the book [4].

The ouput of the equilibrium calculation describes time-concentration curves that are plotted within the main window. The last concentration points of these curves are the initial values for the subsequent electrochemical simulations.
In the button group 'Visualization of Time / Concentration Plots', you can switch off the visualization of the concentration plots.

Figure: Solver Settings (left) and error tolerances (right) [Up]

The SolverDialog provides all settings of the adaptive finite element algorithm that solves the electrochemical reaction-diffusion equations. For example, the overall relative error tolerance can be specified in the 'TOL' field (a value of 0.02 means 2%). Then, the estimated errors within the curves are kept below that treshold.
The solution process also depends on the values specified as absolute error tolerances (ATOL-values on the right). Low ATOL-values are recommended.
The algorithms work well for relative error tolerances between 5% and 0.1% and low ATOL-values. If you observe bad/distorted results, you might decrease these values carefully.
The current response can be calculated by two different solution concepts ('Response Calculation', left Figure). The strategy based on the 'Current Potential Residuum' solves a differential-algebraic equation system at the electrode surfaces and enables the error control also within the electrochemical response (this is the default setting). The 'Gradient Approximation' strategy calculates the current in a post-processing step from the concentration profiles.
Moreover, for unsteady excitation functions, you must enable the 'Step Guard Policy'.

Figure: Data Storage & Visualization  [Up]

Data storage and visualization settings are managed by the DataDialog. In the button group Solver Processor Policy, you can choose three behaviour types of the numerical algortihm. The 'Plain' processor policy only stores the response curve(s), i.e. the current-potential or current-time curves for potential-controlled experiments. That might be the most efficient configuration, since some function calls during simulation are avoided. However, in order to store and plot concentration profiles and solver characteristics (step size, error and grid evolutions) you must choose the 'Storage' policy. The 'Dynamic' configuration shows the concentration profiles evolution during simulation in real time.
In the lower button group 'Data Visualization' the plots of the specific data can be switched on and off by the corresponding check boxes.
For the visualization of the 'Concentration Profiles of Dissolved Species', an extra plot window will be opened (see below).

Figure: Graph Settings - Graph Tab [Up]

The settings for active graphs can be changed by clicking (left mouse button) on the desired graph and choose 'Options->Graph Settings' in the menu (see above). The GraphDialog contains three tabs: 'Graph', 'Axes' and 'Curves' that provide all available changes for the visualization. In the 'Graph' tab you can change the look for the whole graph and the axis system. By pressing the small text icon beside the title line edit, you can change the position of the text, as well as general font settings in the TextPropertiesDialog:

Figure: Text Properties [Up]

Figure: Graph Settings - Axes Tab [Up]

The look of all axes can be configured in the 'Axes' tab ...

Figure: Graph Settings - Curves Tab [Up]

... and all settings concering the plotted curves can be changed in the 'Curves' tab. You will see all changes within the main window by pressing the 'Apply' button.

3D Visualization of Concentration Profiles [Up]

Figure: ModelPlotWindow [Up]

The concentration evolution within the electrochemical cell can be visualized by a 3D plot. Therefore, you must activate the 'Storage' policy before simulation and switch on the 'Concentration Profiles of Dissolved Species' check box in the DataDialog.
With 'Options->Graph Settings' in the Model Plot Window you can access the GraphDialog in order to modify the look of the plot. The data are shown with a rather low time resolution ('Visible Time Steps'). You can increase this value until a certain maximum value.

Acknowledgment [Up]

We acknowledge financial support of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg, Germany within the Forschergruppe Analysis and modeling of diffusion/dispersion-limited reactions in porous media, as well as a LGFG PhD fellowship for K.L. of the University of Tuebingen.

Moreover, we thank all the people who are/were involved in the development of excellent open-source software:


References [Up]

[1] K. Ludwig, B. Speiser; J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 44 (2004) 2051-2060
[2] K. Ludwig, L. Rajendran, B. Speiser; J. Electroanal. Chem. 568 (2004) 203-214
[3] K. Ludwig, B. Speiser; J. Electroanal. Chem. 588 (2006) 74-87
[4] W.H. Press, S.A.Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, B.P. Fannery; Numerical Recipes in C++ -- The Art of Scientific Computing, Second Edition, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002.
[5] K. Ludwig, B. Speiser; in preparation